Having the proper body language in flirting with women is an absolute must. Before you can get a woman's number or possibly go home with her, you have to build attraction and rapport. By developing the "right kind" of body language you'll be able to increase your overall success with women? So how do you develop a body language that will draw-in a woman? Well it can be accomplished in six easy steps that are fairly easy to master: 1) Develop a positive attitude and ambiance Your overall demeanor is the most important step to developing the proper body language in flirting. This means having fun in your conversation and genuinely enjoying her company.
If you take the time to make sure you're having fun, this attitude will be obvious in your interaction. 2) Carry yourself in a confident manner A strong and confident personality will always attract women. So when you approach women and engage them in a conversation, take the time to ensure that you come across as confident. Even if you don't feel particularly confident, keep practicing till you can at least fake it.
3) Maximize the power of your facial expressions Your facial expressions in conversations have a direct impact on how quickly you can develop rapport with a woman. So make sure you're sending the right kind of messages. This can be done by maintaining a confident smile and maintaining eye contact with her. 4) Lightly touch her during your interactions A simple way to quickly build attraction is to lightly touch women during your conversations. By breaking the "touching barrier", you're subconsciously demonstrating that you have some attraction to her. But if she pulls away or looks upset, don't touch her again.
This pretty much means she doesn't want you to touch her right now. (Later on, this could change) 5) Direct your body and attention to her When you're talking to woman, make sure that you're facing her. While this may seem like common sense, a lot guys make the mistake of not paying full attention to women. So when you're talking to her, make sure that your body appears both open and directly turned towards her. 6) Keep your concentration on what she is saying Another huge mistake that guys make is letting their mind wander or thinking about how to "get into a woman's pants". When you're talking to a woman, make sure you're listening to what she is saying.
If you let your concentration slip, she'll probably pick up on the fact that you're not listening and will get annoyed. Concentrate on what she is saying and let her know that she is the most important person in the room. By following the six "body language in flirting" steps I described above, you'll find that your conversations with women are much more successful.
In addition you'll discover that you can get more numbers and have more fun on dates.
Having trouble approaching and attracting women? Well take a look at Scott Patterson's FREE course on how to meet, approach and attract beautiful and interesting women. Read it today and start bringing home beautiful girls tomorrow.